On the Road You Travel
July 15, 2015
The Love Notes are on their way!
For quite awhile now, I've participated in Jennifer Belthoff's Love Notes Project. To quote Jenny, all you need is:
- 3 postcards
- 3 stamps
- An open heart!
Each Sunday, participants get their prompt and messages can written. By Thursday, the postcards are in the mail, and everyone is watching their mailbox.
So much fun - I love snail mail!
Sunday's prompt? "On the road you travel, you will find..."
Postcards can be bought, can be hand created, or anywhere in between. It's the message that counts.
I enjoy creating mine, using my photography, and my unending stash of supplies. I really am working very hard on buying little and instead, making what I have work.
I found the photo first; it's one taken at Luckett's, a favorite place of mine. There are always odds and ends of all sorts on the grounds, including the poor rusted car you see above. That car is now down to one door, which I, of course, photographed! I do love rusted stuff...it's the mixed media artist in me.
I sized, printed, and glued my photos to cards. (I enjoy sending notes to previous Love Notes' partners as well.) Then, I looked at the glaring empty space at the bottom. There was always Washi Tape, but I wanted something different, so I started to dig.
Found it...one rather dated "Manual for Drivers and Compendium of the Motor Vehicle and Traffic Laws" as published by Trenton, NJ. (I do pick up the oddest things at flea markets, and how do you like that for a title?)
You can see some of the illustrations above. Cool, right?
And, as I glued them down, and I burnished them well, I got to thinking how perfect they were, as was the photo I shot.
Flat tires...yes, there are going to be some of those in life. You need to be prepared if you're going to get moving again.
Old people should be given special consideration. Yes, yes, yes. Lots of wisdom there, folks, if we just stop to listen. (And, I am not just saying that because I happen to be heading in the direction of "old.")
Signal your intentions. Oh, for sure. How many arguments and misunderstandings occur in life because we "THINK" we know what the other person/driver is going to do?
Keep your parts in working order. We too often take our bodies for granted, right? Nourish them well, and they'll be far more efficient.
Steer into the skid. We all end up in life's skids. In fact, life has dealt me more skids that my car ever has. Steer with the skid...go with what life is dealing at the moment. Eventually things straighten out.
Always stop for certain vehicles (cop car, ambulance, etc.) Yup, sometimes, we are dealt some "stops." Death, illness, or on a far better note, our kids wanting our attention. Quite simply, we have to stop. Our life, our plans get put on hold for the time being.
And, there are more wonderful little clipped illustrations piled next to me. But, you get the idea, I think.
So, thank you Trenton, NJ, and thank you, Jenny Belthoff!