5 Really Good Things
July 18, 2013
1. Summer fruits and veggies! Right now, I'm savoring fresh peaches with cottage cheese, sprinkled lightly with chai sugar. I really would love a Starbucks iced chai...but, well....I've read the nutrition label. This is my way to get just a hint of chai! And summer's flowers ...oh,my...thank you, Mother Nature.
2. A husband that grows his own herbs, grills those summer veggies which then taste awesome, smokes ribs and whole chickens, and well this is why I need to read nutrition labels.
3. Getting my postcards with my photos on them in the mail this week and then sending them out to the world. Sending and getting cool mail is one of life's pleasures.
4. Having time to leisurely read the paper, do the crossword and suduko puzzles.
5. Working again in my art journal, relaxing, and enjoying this personal form of meditation.
Thank you, Liz, for your 5 really good things, which I read early this morning, and which prompted this post.
When you sit, think and ponder over the good things in life, it can take your breath away, can't it?? xo
Posted by: Sherry | July 18, 2013 at 10:58 AM