Pretty in Pink
March 27, 2012
Over at Kim Klassen's Texture Tuesday, it's the pink edition. Now, I have to be honest here; if you've read my blog for awhile, you might know that my mom had designated pink to be my color, and blue, my sister's. And, oh, how I longed to wear blue. I envied blue. I wanted blue. But mom was firm; pink it was and pink it would stay. So, for quite some length of time, I shied away from pink.
But, nature? Oh, she does pink as no one else can do pink. Cherry blossoms, magnolias, and dogwoods. Glorious pink - the pink that makes my heart sing, the pink that makes me smile.
So, bear with me for one more shot of pink.
I used the following of Kim's textures:
- Grunge With Text at 100%, soft light
- Uncle Clarence, 72%, multiply
Here's the before shot, beautiful in its right:
Please be sure to head over to Kim's site, immerse yourself in pink, and smile.
and thinking pink + orange
sending you spring time joy
love it
when you come by...
xox - eb.
Posted by: eb | March 27, 2012 at 11:21 PM